DRYVE Privacy Policy

Last Updated: May 14, 2024

These are the policies and disclosures of DRYVE DELIVERY SERVICES INC., (a companyincorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario in Canada) as to the collection, retention, use,and disclosure of information and data of users of our website and software applications.The use of the terms “DRYVE”, “us”, “we” or “our” means DRYVE DELIVERY SERVICES INC.These policies apply to every user of DRYVE’s website located at www.dryvedelivery.com, fromtime to time along with all subdomains (the “website”) as well as DRYVE software applications includingmobile device applications (the “DRYVE PLUS Platform App”)(together the DRYVE PLUS platform appand the website constitute the “DRYVE PLUS Platform”), as well as any of DRYVE’s other consumerplatforms or applications which contain a link to this Policy, and channels of communication connectedthereto (all of the foregoing collectively constituting the “Services”).

By using the DRYVE PLUS Platform, you consent to the collection, use, storage, disclosure andtransfer of your personal data as set out in this Policy and within the limits set out in this Policy. Thesepolicies concern any information from which we are able, directly or indirectly, to personally identify you,in particular by reference to an identifier e.g. name, email address, phone number, etc. These policiesdo not concern data where the identity has been removed (anonymized data), nor data that is a matterof public record prior to Dryve coming into possession of it.

DRYVE may update our Privacy Policy from time to time periodically to account for changes inhow we collect and process your Personal Information. The date of the most recent version is shown atthe top of this page. If you choose to continue use of the Services after updates to this Policy, you aredeemed to agree and accept the updated Policy and any new or revised terms thereof.

  1. DRYVE will endeavor on an ongoing basis to protect your data and comply with all applicable laws

    the collection and use of data, and further we will specifically:
    1. Create and maintain appropriate policies and procedures regarding the protection of data,

      for security and prevention of unauthorized or unlawful use of data.
    2. Maintain clear internal responsibilities for our collection and handling of data.

    3. Provide appropriate processes for Users to make requests, demands, and complaints

      our collection and handling of data.
    4. Maintain and enforce clear policies for the deletion of data and anonymization of data.

  2. The Services are not intended to be accessed or used in any way by persons under the legal age ofmajority in the applicable legal jurisdiction. We do not intend to collect data from any person thathas no attained the legal age of majority. However, there are practical limitations to our ability toverify users’ ages, while respecting the privacy of all users. We urge legal guardians to monitor theonline activities of minors under their care and to guard against data being collected unintentionallyor without parental consent. If you become aware that the data of any person under the age ofmajority has been introduced to the Services, please contact us at info@dryvedelivery.com .

  3. We use cookies and similar website tracking technologies to show you personalized ads targeted toyour interests. To learn more about Interest-Based Advertising, or to opt out of online interest-basedadvertising from a list of companies participating in the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada at anytime, visit http://youradchoices.ca/choices. To learn more about Interest-Based Advertising in mobileapps and to opt out of this type of advertising by third-party advertising companies that participate inthe DAAC’s AppChoices tool, please download the version of AppChoices for your device at https://youradchoices.ca/appchoices/. Be aware of your ability and your right to use options on yourdevice(s) to limit our use of cookies and tracking, such as an “Ask App not to Track” setting (in iOSdevices) or “Opt-out of Interest-Based Ads” (on Android). Other methods of tracking do not rely oncookies and instead identify users based on device and browser identifiers, operating systemdetails, language settings, referring URLs, length of page visits, pages viewed and other relatedinformation. In addition to cookies and tracking used for the purposes of marketing andpersonalized offers, we use cookies to improve functionality and application features, both byanalyzing the data and behavior of all users, and, by customizing your experience as an individualuser and to support personalized features of the user experience; for this reason if you disablecertain cookies or tracking features, certain features of the Services may not work as intended ormay be rendered inoperable.

  4. The Services and the DRYVE Portal will contain links to third-party, and advertisements. Youacknowledge and agree that if you opt to enter into business dealings with any entity whoseproducts or services may be advertised on the DRYVE PLUS Platform, such dealings are solelybetween you and that third-party, and DRYVE will not have any responsibility or liability for anylosses or damages that you may incur as a result of any such dealings. When you click or tap on alink to a third-party website, application, or advertisement, DRYVE will not warn you that you haveleft DRYVE’s website or Services. DRYVE does not review, approve, monitor, endorse, warrant, ormake any representations regarding third parties outside of DRYVE’s actual control, and you aredirected to review the terms and privacy policies of any third parties independently before decidingwhether to enter into dealings with them.

  5. We may process the following types of personal data in connection with our Services:

    1. Contact Information, including name, physical addresses (such as home address, work

      , or other delivery address), email address(es), social media account(s), phone
      , and other contact information provided to us.
    2. Account and Profile Information, including username and credentials, any data and

      that you provide or upload to your account including any message, data, oryou send or publish within the Services to DRYVE or to any other User,history of transactions through the Services, your privacy settings and notification, pictures, and metadata and identifiers that we may link to an account andreceived from third-party platforms or authentication services that are linked toServices.
    3. In limited circumstances when required in order to comply with legal or regulatoryrequirements and/or to prevent fraud or misuse of the Services, we may requiregovernment identification documents and/or your signature. Identification documents and/orsignatures may be subject to special legal protections or require sensitive handling in somelegal jurisdictions and we will observe those requirements in each applicable jurisdictionwhere we operate. For example, depending on jurisdiction you may have the right todemand access to your identification documents and/or signature in DRYVE’s possession,or to demand that our data concerning your identification documents and/or signature bedeleted from our databases. In any and all events, this type of data will only be used strictlyfor facilitating the provision of Services to you and will not be used for marketing nor sold oroffered to third parties unless in very limited circumstances where the data has been strictlyanonymized such that it cannot be connected nor associated with you individually.

    4. We will never require you to provide information regarding your health, however, you maychoose to submit information regarding your health in order to improve your use of theServices; for example, you may choose to make a Vendor or a Courier aware of a foodallergy that you may have in order to assist them in handling your good safely. Informationregarding your health may be subject to special legal protections or require sensitivehandling in some legal jurisdictions and we will observe those requirements in eachapplicable jurisdiction where we operate. For example, depending on jurisdiction you mayhave the right to demand access to your health information in DRYVE’s possession, or todemand that our data concerning your health be deleted from our databases. In any and allevents, this type of data will only be used strictly for facilitating the provision of Services toyou and will not be used for marketing nor sold or offered to third parties unless in verylimited circumstances where the data has been strictly anonymized such that it cannot beconnected nor associated with you individually.

    5. Payment Information, including bank cards or credit cards and information about thepayment methods and services used to make purchases through our Services. We do notstore your payment method information in our systems other than an incomplete identifiersuch as the first four and/or last four digits of a credit card number.

    6. Other information provided in the course of ordering a good or service such as the desiredgood or service, price agreed upon, instructions for delivery, contact information, and anyspecial instructions you may choose to transmit.

    7. Your precise location information, including when our apps are running idle ‘in thebackground’ of your device if you choose not to disable this function.

    8. If you communicate by telephone, software, or video application directly with an employeeor contractor of DRYVE, we may record such communication. In any and all events, thistype of data will only be used strictly for facilitating the provision of Services to you,including indirectly by supervising and training our employee and contractors, and it will notbe used for marketing nor sold or offered to third parties unless in very limitedcircumstances where the data has been strictly anonymized such that it cannot beconnected to you individually.

    9. Identifying information about the devices you use to interact with DRYVE or our Services,including internet-protocol (“IP”) addresses, device hardware identifiers, operating systemand version, preferred language, internet browser information, and other device metadata.

  6. We may collect data identifying you from other sources including:

    1. Public records, government agencies including law enforcement, and civil legal

    2. Vendors, Couriers, and other Users that may collect additional information from you and

      input that information through the DRYVE Services.
    3. Social media providers and other web communication and social platforms to which you

      provided information, if you have consented through their separate privacy policy forto provide your information to us directly.
    4. Additional third-party service providers such as telecommunications providers, payment

      providers, advertising, marketing, and web-analytics providers, security, web services providers.
  7. We may share your data only for purposes that we have disclosed to you in this Privacy Policy or inother specific circumstances where we have identified the other uses of the data before collectingthe data from you, or where you have implicitly or explicitly authorized our use of the data in thecourse of making it available to us. We are hereby disclosing the following specific uses:

    1. To our employees, agents, professional service providers, Vendors, Couriers, and additional

      and third-party service providers for the specific purposes of:
      1. facilitating the provision of the Services;
      2. complying with legal and regulatory requirements;
      3. provide customer support to you;
      4. to communicate with you directly, for the purpose of providing service, offering youpromotions and making you aware of offers, providing you with information aboutnew services and opportunities, advertising the goods and services of partners orthird-party advertisers; depending on your legal jurisdiction you may have the rightto opt out of some types of direct communications and we will make that optionavailable to you in accordance with your legal jurisdiction. The only way towithdraw from receiving all direct communications from DRYVE is to de-registerfrom all of the Services and cease all use of the Services.
      5. to facilitate effective communication and sharing of relevant information with you byUsers, Vendors, Couriers, and additional subcontractors and third-party serviceproviders, regarding the Services or regarding additional third-party goods andservices.
      6. to obtain technical support and service and improvements to informationtechnology supporting the Systems, including to security systems.
    2. To governments and regulators, Courts and tribunals, other public bodies, including lawenforcement, in order to comply with our legal obligations under applicable law and torespond to valid legal processes, to comply with tax requirements and obligations, toinvestigate potential violations of our Terms or Policies activities in connection with ourServices, or to protect or promote our legal rights or the rights of our Users.

    3. To other Users of the Services, only to the extent reasonable in order to improve or servethe particular function the data is being used for, including but not limited to sharing yourreviews, feedback, comments, promotions, and customer service commentary.

    4. To automated computer systems including artificial intelligence systems, both: those ownedand controlled by DRYVE, and those owned or controlled by third-party providers, in orderto generate automated services and information to be used in providing the Services to you,or for DRYVE’s internal use for analysis and improvement of the Services and improvingDRYVE’s businesses.

    5. To DRYVE’s actual and potential business partners, subsidiary or partner companies,contractors, owners, shareholders, for the purpose of discussing business venture orpotential ventures, providing due diligence information for such purposes or to comply withrelevant laws.

  8. We will take commercially and practically reasonable technical, administrative, and organizationalprecautions to protect your data from unauthorized access and disclosure. However, there are risksinherent to transmitting and storing any information through the internet and telecommunicationschannels, and you voluntarily accept those risks when you do so. We are not responsible or liablefor any unauthorized access and disclosure beyond our reasonable control, including anyunauthorized access and disclosure caused by any failure of precaution on your part. We will onlyretain your data for the time reasonably necessary to fulfill the purpose(s) we collected it for, takinginto account the nature of your use of the Services, our contractual obligations to you and to otherusers of the Services, and any applicable legal requirements. We have the option to delete ordestroy your data when it is no longer needed, or to anonymize the data such that it cannot beconnected nor associated with you individually whereupon we can retain it indefinitely and use it forany purpose that does not carry an undue risk that the data could be connected or associated withyou individually.

  9. DRYVE stores all data on servers located in Canada. However, it may be necessary or it may beallowable under the other terms of this Privacy Policy for DRYVE to send parts of your data toservice providers and to third parties outside of Canada or that transmit or store data outside ofCanada. If your data is transmitted or stored outside of Canada it is subject to the laws of thecountry in which it is held and will be subject to additional protections and additional rights or dutiesof disclosure based on the laws of the country in which it is held. To the extent it is commerciallyand practically reasonable, we will take into account the treatment of data by any party to whom weprovide data including the laws of the jurisdiction where that party may transmit or store data.

  10. DRYVE will observe and obey all relevant data protection laws in the legal jurisdiction(s) applicableto you, and all legal rights which you may have in your applicable legal jurisdiction(s), including:

    1. your right to request access to your data stored by DRYVE;
    2. your right to request or demand deletion of your data stored by DRYVE;
    3. your right to request or demand correction or modification of your data stored by DRYVE;
    4. your right to require DRYVE to cease communicating with you for certain purposes or by
    5. contact methods;
    6. your right to withhold or refuse identifying or tracking technologies such as cookies;
    7. your right to withdraw consent to use(s) of your data to which you had previously
    8. ;
    9. your right to file a complaint or seek a resolution regarding a dispute concerning our use of
    10. data, and your right to appeal any position or decision we take during such a dispute.
  11. If you have any concern of any nature regarding our collection and use of data, please contact us atinfo@dryvedelivery.com